Friday, December 25, 2009

Thought for the Day

"Tis the Spirit unbroken by all trials of Life that still dares to dream!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

ACTHA UPDATES 2009-2010 Season

Will be updating the scores for this season w/ Jordan....she received another 1st place in November! We haven't ridden as much this season, so overall in 57th....not too good, however, the point system is a tough one....more to come!

Continuing to Ride for the HighPoints 2009

Continuing to Ride for the High Points

2009 has brought wonderful challenges for me since participating in Craig's race in October 2008. Along with my daily work at a horse training/cattle ranch, I have joined ACTHA (American Competitive Trail Challenge Association) to perform in competitive trail riding.

Our first ride in January 2009 was on a extremely cold day, and although I keep telling myself, "you were born for this..." there comes a point where those pink fuzzy slipper, pj's, hot cocoa and a good movie sound like the best idea since sliced bread! However, as they say in Texas, “Stick around the weather will change." We did not score highly that day, so we chalked it up to needing more experience in understanding the judging system and asking what the judges were looking for at the obstacles. You go home, put on your thinking cap and just keep riding and coming back improving and striving to "Ride for the High Points."

Jordan and I now have 4 rides under our belt as we progress along. The 2nd ride we placed 5th at 7IL Trails in Cat Springs, TX. Then 1st place at Tyler Rose Horse Park, Tyler, TX. Tyler's ride gave us a beautiful belt buckle and cash prize! It was a another dream come true for me and Jordan . She was incredibly awesome that day. The ground was very gummy after all the much needed rain. Jordan kept her little legs agoin' all the time to keep from sinking! She was a true partner that day and carried us to 1st!

Our next ride was at Valley Mills, TX was on a beautiful sunny day. It had been some time before we had a Saturday that had great weather! The course/trails were very well laid out as all the ACTHA trails are. The degree of difficulty in our first obstacle reminded me of further need for water crossing training. Even though we cross creeks, tanks on a weekly basis, there are moments in your horse's eyes that show doubt. Reflecting on this ride (placing 10 out of 21) suggests area of continuous partnership built on trust and respect. How can I as Jordan's leader let her know I need her to "be there for me" when I ask? How can Jordan step up to the plate and not keep repeating a refusal of water-no matter where you are? Go home, train, strive to be better, strive to be a partner, strive to "Ride for the High Points."

In the current standings at this time, we are 8th in the Open Division of ATCHA. Championships are in May along with a few other rides before then. We hope to keep in the top 50 and be invited into the Championship.

We will continue to keep you updated as we make this journey. By the way, for those of you who know my appaloosa, Dollar, he is in training for these competitions, too. His comment...." I just want to hang out in the pasture all day!"

Thank you for allowing me to share thoughts and my journey with you.
Feel free to write encouragement, suggestions and your stories!

Extreme Cowgirl Race 2008 Reflections

1st Extreme Cowgirls Race October 22-23, 2008

Being selected to participate in the 1st Extreme Cowgirl Race on October 22-23, 2008 was a thrill! Craig Cameron has hosted several of the Extreme Cowboy Races, and this was the first all ladies race. It was also an opportunity that came along at a perfect time in allowing me to represent the female baby boomers that dream of taking chances, yet are hesitant.

Jordan (my blue roan QH mare) and I went to the extreme race with anticipation and excitment. Most of the women were professional riders /horse trainers. Here I was with the smallest horse and had quit my good paying Houston medical job in 2007 to pursue my dreams to train horses, teach people, ride my horses and compete with natural horsemanship skills. Did I make a mistake? Were we ready? Now was not the time to question. It was time to put my principles to a purpose!

The day of the race was cold and windy. It began early with introductions, instructions and drawing for positions. Then we walked the course. Anticipation for my time to run (8th out of 16 ) pushed the adrenaline high as I prepared mentally on the order of the obstacles and course.

When you are waiting your turn, you view the riders before you......breathing and waiting for your moment in time. The Cowgirls were all super friendly and supportive, but we were also competitive. There were "butterflies in our stomachs" because of the quiet pressure knowing Craig and the judges expected a fast pace, but more so, excellent horsemanship skills.

My run was exhilarating with only a couple bobbles that placed me just shy of the top 8 for the semi-final run. Afterwards, sitting there in the saddle, I analyze and re-analyze what I could have done better, where I need to improve, etc. However, my heart is singing because I AM THERE in the first place and living my dream. So, Ireach down, stroke Jordan's mane and sigh with contentment-knowing we will be back for more!

I returned the next day to watch and support the semi-finals, the final 4 and the awards program. Being able to experience the camaraderie with these wonderful cowgirls is an honor in itself. Craig and Dalene Cameron run a top-notch operation. They make everyone feel that they are a Champion every day you are around them. Lynn Palm and Joy Murray, were the judges for the race. They exhibited superior knowledge, guidance and dedication to supporting each one of us as a competitor.

Participating in the first All Cowgirl Extreme Race has opened many doors for me already. Jordan and I have started to compete in competitive trail riding. (www.ACTHA.US) It has allowed me to teach students in the areas of natural horsemanship, to train young colts and problem horses, and the list goes on. Through it all, though, is the realization that even though this all sounds romantic, being a true horsewoman is hard work and requires true dedication.

Jordan and I will return to an Extreme Race, that is for sure. We acquired a great deal of knowledge, gained insight to become better and as Craig told me to "Ride for the High Points!" We will make you proud, Craig! Thank you for a great time!

Christmas Eve 2009 Thoughts

In April 2008, I was hired by The Inn at Circle T, Hamilton, TX ( Front Desk Representative. It has been almost 2 years.....the hotel is a good place to work, in addition to meeting many horseman/women. We even get to wear jeans/western shirts and boots/hat! Yeah!! There are times I miss the security of a 40hr work week, however, when I am able to saddle up when I want and need to....everything comes into perspective.

While working this Christmas Eve, I have time to catch up on the blog. We had a winter storm today, leaving about 2-3 inches of snow. This is TEXAS.....I left IN to get away from the cold/'s nice to have it for Christmas though.

In preparing for the New Year to roll in, we usual reflect over our accomplishments, and what we didn't get accomplished. While making my list, I find that my heart is still desiring, loving and striving to be a better horsewoman. Each time I am with a horse, I look to see how I can communicate better, how light is little can I ask of the horse for him to understand what I am asking.......I continue to lay my head down at nite, grateful for my journey!

May you have a blessed Christmas!

I Am That Cowgirl!

Becoming a cowgirl is a respectful title which is earned in life. I used to think it was somewhat easy. You had horses as a child, grew up, raised a family, got a horse again, dressed up in style, talked the talk, began to walk the walk.....but the "True Cowgirlism" is walking the walk in the real world.

Being among real cowboys/cowgirls you get a sense of it. You can feel the "fire in their walk, their mannerisms" and the authenticity of standing proud for what they believe in. Becoming a Cowgirl is a title and a commitment I have come to take very seriously. It is about the spirit, drive and passion a person has inside of them. It is about making a hand, no matter how tired you are or how long the day is. It is about honor, giving your word, doing your part to make this world a better place. If you were raised on a ranch, then you know what it takes to be a Cowgirl! I admire and respect you! There are those of us who were not born into a ranching family, but have the desire, dedication and "the sand" to pursue our dreams....I am that Cowgirl!

It doesn't matter what age or challenges that come because I am that Cowgirl!

I am that woman who desires to be a better horsewoman!
I am that woman who will do my best to be there for you!
I am that woman who will learn to rope, drag, brand and doctor calves!
I am that woman who will study hard, ask questions, but be respectfully silent when needed.
I will make a hand in the kitchen and be there beside you in the barn!
I will maintain my sense of feminity, being tough as leather but soft as silk.
I will work for the title for the rest of my life, and wear it with pride.
I will ride for the brand for my heart is true.
My heart and soul acknowledges the true Women of this Spirit because I am that Cowgirl!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lessons FOR your Horse

There are basic skills that your horse needs to learn. I consider myself a student of the horse, and have been told by people that I really respect that my ground work and games really do make a difference in the attitude and performance of the horses I've worked with.

Look at this firey paint mare.

My friend Andi (who is a photographer--- ) took these pictures for me at a recent session when I was working with Dani.

I love being able to see the progression of her attitude and attachment to me.

This is not a horse that came into the pen connected to me. Bracey, dominant, as the grass!

It was over the course of our time together that she taught me to be effective, to be fair ....I kept asking her to allow me to learn from her. There is no magic in horse training. Sessions spent with Dani, or for that matter....any horse is about being safe and learning to read the horse.

It is me listening, learning and asking her to teach me to be a better student of the horse. She knows my heart is in the right spot, that my intentions are good. You, too, can learn these cues, develop this mind set through HeartSong Natural Horsemanship.

Notice that there is nothing on Dani--no halter or other control mechanism. I was just asking her to watch me and my cues...wish we had pictures on her beginning sessions! She is a great horse, full of fire and promise!

And I was asking her to make the decision to come to me when I was in a set location--notice that I'm standing on top of the blue bucket. I teach my students/horses to aproach an object so the rider can mount. More on this in the training for Trail Competitions, too!

This is my favorite picture of Dani and I. My apologies on her not being "groomed' before the photos were taken (Andi has her camera glued to her palms-you never know where she will be! ). The softness of Dani's acceptance in wanting to be there w/ me is an incredible "warm fuzzy" feeling. Compare to your human partner catching your eye across a crowded room of just know it feels right!

The rope that you see in these couple of pictures is not a control device--I used it as conditioning. In other words, I wanted her to feel the rope rubbing around her neck and still choose to be right there with me.

Yes, obviously she got it!

Here's the information if you are interested in me working with your horse:

(Prices/details coming) me if you need assistance before the next posting. 832-969-7611


Riding Lessons

Through my horsemanship journey that was re-created in 2000, my desire to make a difference with people and their horses has become a passion! Children are one of the most precious gifts from God, along with horses and dogs.(no offense to cat lovers! LOL). Spending time with my horses has taught me to listen more, believe and have Faith. I have learned to be a better grandparent and person through my journey.

I have been given opportunities to share my passion of horses with children who have been/or are frightened by a horse experience. (Faith is on Mildred). Faith is learning the 7 games in the Parelli world...this has instilled confidence in this beautiful child...she is riding again, too!

This same fear is also in adults, the horses sense our fear, and ask-"what are YOU afraid of......?"

How can we learn to listen to the horses, respond appropriately, if We are afraid? Building confidence within ourselves through Heartsong Horsemanship is start....

Allowing the journey to begin with trust...mmmm..."ALLOWANCE" comes to mind right now...not in the monetary form, but allowing the horse to feel of you, and you of him...allowing the relationship to begin...the dance, the journey...

Allow me to assist you in moving through the fear by building a relationship with your horse. I am non other than a dedicated student of the horse, loving what I do and believing in my purpose for my journey. There are so many wonderful clinicians, students, information, etc. that we have access journey started with Parelli Natural Horsemanship http://www.parellinatural
(more about this in my profile).

I can teach you, your children to "feel of the horse.....' listen to their heartbeat, learn to read them, learn to be more confident, have fun...and be safe with your horses...believe and have Faith...." just like Faith in this picture!

I love seeing her face light up!

We were working on basic horsemanship and balance during this lesson.

Here's the information on individual lessons:

Can't wait to hear from you and help you become a better student of your horse!

(Photographs are copyright Andi Artze,


Welcome to my Blog!

So...first post on a new blog...mmmm...I love writing my thoughts, poems and feelings...I feel very passionate about my horsemanship journey...and that is what my blog is about. Everyone has a journey. All of us are given a chance to do what we love and are passionate about...some take the risks, others are not so sure........I had the chance and took it......I am a grateful woman on this horsemanship journey.

Being about excited about having a blog is one thing, and understanding all the computer details, lingo, English grammar is another. This initial disclaimer: I only hope to encourage, inspire and share my passion of horses with people. Horses are in our lives for so many reasons....I feel my destination and purpose is to teach and share what I know, while striving to always learn more. Tom Dorrance was asked once, "Tom, when do you know if you have learned it all......?" Tom's reply: "Only when you are dead will you stop learning." (this was my interpretation from another horseman.

I have a really cool picture of Jordan, the "Prima Donna" of the barn as she is lovingly called...that I will get posted here asap. It shows what I love-being with my horse. It shows how much Jordan and I have grown as a team. About what I want to help you accomplish.

Stay tuned for more information about lessons (for both you and your horse), trail rides, clinics, information and generally just lots of fun.

-Still Makin' a difference, One horse at a time!